Sunday, January 27, 2013

5 Good & 5 Bad Packaging design

Good Packaging design

1.The whole packaging design is simple, clean, and easily catches attention. The colors compliment each other well. The brand name in the middle is attractive and the beige background contrasts clearly with the rest of the package. The light green color makes the product feel more refreshing and natural, making the customer feel relaxed and healthy.

2. The orange and brown colors represent the product well, emphasizing two unique flavors of the product. The orange reminds the viewer of the harvest and the crunchy cereal grains in the bar. The brown highlights the sweet chocolate chips that compliment the granola. The designer catches the viewer's attention immediately in the middle with an enlarged granola bar and its main ingredients. 

3. From the packaging, we know this product features chocolate and can be used to lose weight. This design is full of information and does not just solely emphasize the product. From the box, we can tell that we can lose weight by eating this cereal and at the same time get information for a fitness and health magazine through a special offer. This communicates two major messages: this product can help you lose weight and eat chocolate at the same time.

4. The packaging design is clean and simple. The cereal bowl, the red-orange bar, and the logo stand out from the white background. The cereal and fruit grab your attention with their bright colors. They look natural, healthy and refreshing. The red-orange color stirs the appetite. 

5. The design is simple. The classic sidebar design attractively displays the product without doing too little or too much. All of the information is clearly organized in the sidebar and the product is shown directly in the rest of the design.

Bad Packaging Design

1. The design package is weak for this product. The colors are too bland and the graphics are very boring. The typeface does nothing for the product nor the design.

2. This design has too much dead space. The elements in this design are disorganized and separated. The colors are natural but are too simple and do not emphasize anything special about the product. All of the images just seem to blend in rather than stand out.

3. This design is just terrible. The typeface is too heavy and the colors are bright and distracting. Nothing about this packaging design is attractive or makes someone want to buy the product. There are no graphics that indicate what this product is. 

4 . This a tea product, but nothing about the packaging design indicates that this is tea. If it was not stated that this was tea, someone could mistake this packaging for a medicine. The typeface is playful, but the emphasis is lost because it is difficult to tell what the product is in the first place. Even the color is inappropriate. The advertised flavor is orange, but the bright pink colors and black and white type completely miss the mark. The entire packaging is jarring and confusing.

5. The product, the logo, and the background color blend together in a sea of yellow. The product itself looks boring and the diluted yellow background surrounding it makes nothing stand out. The black in the logo contrasts with the background but does not do anything for the product.